Monday, August 8, 2011

Takin' it easy

I am starting to get to the point of my pregnancy where I am going to have to start taking it easy. Lately I have been go go go and it is taking a toll on my body. One day I went to the gym and then ran a ton of errands and ended up having some pretty painful contractions throughout the day. And the next two days I kept just as busy and at the end of the night my whole entire body hurt. Malachi has been getting on to me to slow down and I always agree with him, but it is easier said than done. I have SO much to do all the time I feel like! Which is all in my head. I feel like I have to go to the gym three days a week to stay healthy. Malachi asks me why I don't just take it easy at the gym but to me that seems like an oxymoron. I feel like I need to break a sweat. Especially since my goal this time around is to only gain 35-40 pounds. With Roman I gained 60...yes...60 pounds! So that is why I have been 'gyming' it up so much. But I have caved and I am going to start slowing things down at the gym and in all other areas in my life. The last three days Roman and I have locked ourselves in the house (other than running to the library, but that really doesn't count). I'll admit it has been really nice. I felt a little peakish yesterday since I was cooking all day (which I'm so excited about sharing with you all but that is for another day!).  So for my health and my daughter's health I am going to take it easy.

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