I can't wait for you to see the both of their rooms when they are done.
Here is the before picture of Roman's new big boy room:
Here is the before picture of Adelai's nursery.
I'm sorry the rooms are such a mess. The nursery has been cleaned since this picture was taken but I don't want to have to go take another picture.
But yes...thirty weeks. I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore to be honest. This pregnancy has been a lot harder on me than Roman's was. With Roman I really didn't start to feel pregnant until I was like thirty-six weeks pregnant, but with this one I have felt pregnant the whole time. Seriously...if you go look at a pregnancy book and look at the symptoms you might feel through-out...I feel like I have all the ones from the book! Today I couldn't even walk until around two in the afternoon because I was in so much pain. I feel sick to my stomach everyday. And I'm tired all the time. But I just keep telling myself that it is all worth it and it won't last forever. Ten more weeks and then I shall not be pregnant anymore!
Oh my, I completely understand where you are coming from. I felt like that through my pregnancy too. I was SO glad to not be pregnant anymore. I can't wait to see your little girl! I know she will be just as beautiful as Roman is handsome! And girl, you are 30 weeks pregnant with a toddler, I think we can forgive you for the nursery being a little messy. Relax and enjoy feeling her kicks and the lack of screaming baby! lol