I shot a wedding last week so none of my pictures are edited
Longingly looking outside (and ewwww...please ignore my dirty windows that I am off to clean RIGHT now!)
Snuggling with Daddy
In other news, I am 26 weeks pregnant today! Adelai is now around 2 pounds...they say she is around the size of an eggplant. My pregnancy calendar told me I am 2/3s done with this pregnancy. Which is insane! I just found out we were pregnant like....yesterday! Where is all this time gone? This time around time is going by a lot faster, but it is probably because I am chasing a 22 month old around all the time. I am so glad that my first pregnancy was the easy one and this one is the harder one. If my first one was hard I think I would have sat around and moped all the time. But with Roman I have no time to think about the pain or how sick I feel. I have to be strong for him. It is amazing how having children makes you a harder-working person.
Gah! I love him so much!
He has the longest eyelashes!
I am so happy about starting a new month. This past month was kind of tight budget wise, but in August it is going back to normal. I will have money to put more of Roman's big boy room together and I'm looking forward to that. This week I am going to take pictures of the nursery and Roman's big boy room so that you can see the transformation happen. I never really got to decorate Roman's nursery in this house because when we moved in, Malachi and I went on our honeymoon, I went out of town to visit my parents, and then I got pregnant and sick...so needless to say the room is pretty sad looking. But that will all change in the next few months!
These were taken before the rain descended upon us!
My little man with a big personality!
Have you ever heard of Pinterest? It is amazing! It is a place where you kind find all kinds of inspiration for anything you can think of. I use it for party ideas, holiday ideas, recipe ideas, decorating ideas, hair ideas, and so many other things. In August I am going to do a month of Pinterest for our dinners. My mouth just waters thinking about it! I will take pictures of everything I make and share them with you! I am making some pretty amazing looking dishes!
But now I am off to finish dinner! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!