That has to be our favorite word at the moment. There are many things we would like to do someday. There are many things we would like to have someday. We are just not at a position to have them right now. Don't get me wrong...we love our lives. We have so much love in our household it is insane, we all have our health, and Malachi has a job with benefits. So we don't need anything at the moment...although there are many things we would like. For example, I would love to have the money to take some online photography classes or I would love to be able to make my house feel more like a home. Right now all the furniture we have was given to us for free. It is all sturdy and great stuff...but none of it is what I would have picked out. I would like to decorate my whole house the way I want to. I would love to get new towels that aren't stained, or a different comforter that isn't starting to turn a weird color, I would love to get cute living room furniture, I would love a dresser that has drawers that actually work...and things like that. But our money is going to more important places right now like bills, rent, food, and baby stuff. Which is all VERY important. And I mean...I could get a credit card and buy a bunch of stuff I would like but Malachi and I have sworn that we would never go into debt. Right now the only thing we are having to pay off is our car and that was a necessity. But other than that....we have no debt. And we are going to keep it that way. I have to say that I'm excited that one of our 'someday's is going to come true! We are going on our honeymoon in December. We are going to Disney World! I am SO excited. My parents are going to come stay with Roman and Malachi and I get a whole week of enjoying each other. I am so excited. So one 'someday' is checked off our list! Do you have any 'someday' wishes you are looking forward to?