Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
I love weekends
I love having my husband home all day! We can spend so much more time together! Today we were able to do so much since he didn't have to run off to work at 3. We spent the morning just relaxing and enjoying our baby boy. Around noon we headed off to the mall to give each other some ideas for Christmas. And, boy, was the mall a mess. I guess everyone had the same idea that we did! And we both have to go back to shop for each other...since we couldn't buy anything for each other since we were together. Just thinking about it makes me tired. After that we went to Chili's for a 'stupid date' as Malachi would call it. He called it that since Chili's is such a cliche place for families to go eat...plus the food is very cliche. But they had a $20 special for two people so why not. R was really good at the restaurant. He played and he smiled and then he ate. After he ate Malachi took him so I could eat. Once I was finished eating and was waiting for the waitress to bring me a to-go box Malachi handed R back to me. As he was on his way over to me he spit up. And not only did tons of spit up gush out of his mouth...it landed right on my plate. Malachi and I couldn't help but to start laughing. So I didn't need that to-go box after all! Once we completely finished out meal we came home and watched some Lost and 30 Rock. R fell asleep at 7 because he had such a big day and didn't get his full afternoon nap. I'm just worried he is going to wake up super early tomorrow. But that was our day today. And tomorrow we have another wonderful day planned. We are going to church in the morning that then in the afternoon we are just going to hang out around the house and get things done, and then in the evening we are going to a wine tasting with our church. I'm not excited about the wine (since I can't stand the taste of it) but there will be good company and good food (and if there is good food I will always have a good time!) And then our weekend will be over and Malachi will have to go back to work *sigh* But then I will have Christmas and next weekend to look forward to!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas...why do you betray me so?
I tried...really I did! After I came back from my trip I decided to get serious about losing weight. I am still 15 lbs. over were I was before little R came along. Soooo...I've been getting up every morning to exercise. I go to the little gym and walk on the treadmill or bike and we also just got Wii Fit (which is totally AWESOME by the way). I've been getting in some great workouts. I'm actually sore from it. And to help me lose the weight I wanted to change my diet as well. So I went out to WallyWorld and got a bunch of healthy foods. Yesterday was great. I had a yogurt for breakfast, a quesadilla and salad for lunch, a fruit strip for a snack, chicken and tater-tots with an apple for dinner, and then some carrots before bed. Great right? Yea well...all that went down the tubes today! Because what do people like to give you for Christmas...lovely Christmas treats like chocolate covered pretzels, oreo truffles, box of chocolate truffles, and cookies! I'm too ashamed to tell you how much I ate! I have this horrible addiction to sweets. I inherited that lovely trait from my father. We love our sweets. If there are sweets in the house we WILL eat them. I can find and sniff out sweets anywhere. And when I get a hold of them I eat and eat and eat till I feel sick. And even when I feel sick and never want sweets again...I will eat some more. If there are sweets I will eat them no matter what. I hate it! But there is nothing I can do except make sure I don't keeps sweets in the house. And I can do that...but not when people keep giving us some! I can't wait for the holiday season to be other just for that reason. It will be so much easier to lose the weight.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I'm baaaaaack!
It is so good to be home! I had a wonderful time visiting my family up in NC but I missed my husband so much! It is good to be back to him, my own home, and my things. Now that I'm home I have a lot of cleaning to do! The house turned into a bachelor's pad! Ha!
Right now Malachi is setting up our new Wii Fit Plus! It is a Christmas present from my parents and we were so excited about it we couldn't wait for Christmas. We both have a goal to lose 15 lbs. in two months and then maintaining that weight. So the Wii Fit will help since it is a fun way to exercise. We are also changing our eating habits. So hopefully we will reach our goal!
This is a really short post because I'm too busy watching Malachi play on the Wii Fit and now I'm off to try it myself!
Right now Malachi is setting up our new Wii Fit Plus! It is a Christmas present from my parents and we were so excited about it we couldn't wait for Christmas. We both have a goal to lose 15 lbs. in two months and then maintaining that weight. So the Wii Fit will help since it is a fun way to exercise. We are also changing our eating habits. So hopefully we will reach our goal!
This is a really short post because I'm too busy watching Malachi play on the Wii Fit and now I'm off to try it myself!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Big day, big day!
Tomorrow R and I are flying up to NC to visit my family for about a week. I'm looking forward to seeing and spending time with my family. I am NOT looking forward to the plane ride or being away from my husband. Being away from him is going to be very hard for me. I really don't see how military wives do it...I would die if I had to be away from Malachi for more than a week. I depend on him entirely! When I am away from him I feel like half of my heart is missing. Call me sappy if you want...but it is true. People would always tell us after the honeymoon stage you won't mind being away from your significant other. But...the farther along we get in our marriage the more and more I need and want to be with him every second of the day. I always feel down whenever he leaves for work. It is so hard for us to have separate friends because we always want to be with each other. Wow...I totally got off track! I got on here to talk about the happenings of today and tomorrow and ended up talking about Malachi. But I can't help it! I love my husband so much!!!!
SO...now that I have shared that with you...R had his 2 month check-up today. And, of course, he is perfect! He is now 13.4 lbs. and 24 inches long! He is my little chunky monkey! I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He is smiling so much more now, lifting he head up more, he can track our voices, and he is starting to grab for things. Before I know it he will be talking and walking around! I am so enjoying every stage we've been in but I'm excited to see what the future holds for R. I know that he is going to be a great man and that he will be able to do anything he puts his heart to!
I guess what I'm telling you is that I love the two men in my life so so so much! I wish I had the words to express it...but no words are good enough!
SO...now that I have shared that with you...R had his 2 month check-up today. And, of course, he is perfect! He is now 13.4 lbs. and 24 inches long! He is my little chunky monkey! I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He is smiling so much more now, lifting he head up more, he can track our voices, and he is starting to grab for things. Before I know it he will be talking and walking around! I am so enjoying every stage we've been in but I'm excited to see what the future holds for R. I know that he is going to be a great man and that he will be able to do anything he puts his heart to!
I guess what I'm telling you is that I love the two men in my life so so so much! I wish I had the words to express it...but no words are good enough!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Can't think of a title
Ahhhh...I love this time of year. Yesterday we put up our Christmas tree as we sipped on some warm apple cider, listening to Christmas carols. What a wonderful day it was!
Today was a rough day in the Mosley household. It is hard when everyone is tired from not getting enough sleep and not feeling well. Malachi and I are getting sick now as well. Well...Malachi has been sick for the past two months, the poor guy. But he went to the doctor while he was at work (perks of working in a hospital!) and has been given antibiotics, so hopefully now he will get better! Little is working on getting over his cold. All his junk is now in his chest, so now he has a rough little cough. But, at least I know he is on the mend. And guess who now has a stuffy nose. Yes...yours truly. I just hope I can get whatever I'm getting out of my system by the 8th because that is when R and I fly up to NC to see my family. That would be miserable if I was sick during that time! I just can't wait for our whole family to be healthy and well again!
Tonight I did have a wonderful time with our pastor's wife, Melinda. She came over and we baked many wonderful goodies! I think we may have talked a little more than we baked...but it was great fun! I'm so happy I'm starting to make friends here in P-cola. I was worried I would never meet people...but here I am...a big girl making friends!
Tomorrow we have no big plans. I think we should all stay in our pjs and spend the whole day in bed so we can all get better! Mmmmm...bed! I'm off to get whatever sleep I can before my little guy wakes up!
Today was a rough day in the Mosley household. It is hard when everyone is tired from not getting enough sleep and not feeling well. Malachi and I are getting sick now as well. Well...Malachi has been sick for the past two months, the poor guy. But he went to the doctor while he was at work (perks of working in a hospital!) and has been given antibiotics, so hopefully now he will get better! Little is working on getting over his cold. All his junk is now in his chest, so now he has a rough little cough. But, at least I know he is on the mend. And guess who now has a stuffy nose. Yes...yours truly. I just hope I can get whatever I'm getting out of my system by the 8th because that is when R and I fly up to NC to see my family. That would be miserable if I was sick during that time! I just can't wait for our whole family to be healthy and well again!
Tonight I did have a wonderful time with our pastor's wife, Melinda. She came over and we baked many wonderful goodies! I think we may have talked a little more than we baked...but it was great fun! I'm so happy I'm starting to make friends here in P-cola. I was worried I would never meet people...but here I am...a big girl making friends!
Tomorrow we have no big plans. I think we should all stay in our pjs and spend the whole day in bed so we can all get better! Mmmmm...bed! I'm off to get whatever sleep I can before my little guy wakes up!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Hello December
I can't believe it is already December! How the year has flown by! 09 has been a big year for the Mosley family! I got pregnant over the New Year, Malachi graduated from school, he then proceeded to get his first 'big boy' job, we had a baby, and we moved to Pensacola! I'm hoping 2010 will be a little calmer!
Tomorrow we will be putting up our Christmas decorations...hopefully! We've been saying that for the past week now...but everyday something happens and we have to put off putting our decorations up. Today, for example, my car completely died, so we had to go buy a new one and Malachi then had to install it. So I'm praying tomorrow will be uneventful!
Little R is feeling a little better. He was acting more like himself today. Plus I can tell he is breathing better. He is starting to cough, but I think that is because everything is loosening up in his little sinuses and is choking on it rather than swallowing it. I can't wait for him to be all better. I'm hoping tonight he will go back to his normal sleeping schedule. Normally he will go to bed at 10 and sleep for 7-8 hours, wake up for a feeding, and then go back to bed for another 3 hours. The last three nights he has been up every 1-2 hours!
Well, I'm off to bed and hopefully I'll be able to stay in bed for a while!
Tomorrow we will be putting up our Christmas decorations...hopefully! We've been saying that for the past week now...but everyday something happens and we have to put off putting our decorations up. Today, for example, my car completely died, so we had to go buy a new one and Malachi then had to install it. So I'm praying tomorrow will be uneventful!
Little R is feeling a little better. He was acting more like himself today. Plus I can tell he is breathing better. He is starting to cough, but I think that is because everything is loosening up in his little sinuses and is choking on it rather than swallowing it. I can't wait for him to be all better. I'm hoping tonight he will go back to his normal sleeping schedule. Normally he will go to bed at 10 and sleep for 7-8 hours, wake up for a feeding, and then go back to bed for another 3 hours. The last three nights he has been up every 1-2 hours!
Well, I'm off to bed and hopefully I'll be able to stay in bed for a while!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I'm a big kid now!
Our first Thanksgiving was a great success! I was slightly nervous because I've heard of so many young wives cooking their first turkey and burning or ruining it one way or another. But everything was perfect and delicious! I started cooking Friday evening and didn't finish till we ate at 6:30 on Saturday! I never once thought of being in the kitchen cooking as a chore. I loved every second of it. There is something so fulfilling about cooking all that food and then seeing people enjoying it so much. Malachi's dad came and ate with us which was really nice. He told me it was the best Thanksgiving meal he had ever had and Malachi is still talking about how good the food was! So it was the best Thanksgiving ever! But everything I experience with Malachi and now little R is the best ever!
On a sadder note, my little R is sick. He has a bad cold so his nose is all running and stuffed up. The poor guy is miserable. He can only sleep for an hour or two before he gets uncomfortable. So last night was a bit rough for us and I have a feeling tonight will be the same. I hate to see him like this. I would rather be sick than see him sick! Same with when Malachi gets sick...I hate it. It is the one thing I can't fix. So hopefully R will heal quickly!
Tomorrow our pastor's wife is coming over to bake with me. I'm really excited! I really like Melinda and I love to bake so it should be a great evening!
On a sadder note, my little R is sick. He has a bad cold so his nose is all running and stuffed up. The poor guy is miserable. He can only sleep for an hour or two before he gets uncomfortable. So last night was a bit rough for us and I have a feeling tonight will be the same. I hate to see him like this. I would rather be sick than see him sick! Same with when Malachi gets sick...I hate it. It is the one thing I can't fix. So hopefully R will heal quickly!
Tomorrow our pastor's wife is coming over to bake with me. I'm really excited! I really like Melinda and I love to bake so it should be a great evening!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
It's Thanksgiving after all!
Well, first we were going to have a small Thanksgiving feast for our family, then we were going to have a huge Thanksgiving feast for our family and Malachi's family, then that plan was canceled and we were going to meet up with Malachi's family at Waffle House for Thanksgiving (they wanted to stay into town since Malachi's grandfather was dying and eating at Waffle House was a bit of a tradition for them), then Malachi's grandfather died and Thanksgiving was canceled all together. Which I was bummed about. I love Thanksgiving. From Thanksgiving to New Years is my favorite time of year. I love the atmosphere. When I think of the holidays I think of family, love, warmth, and good food. So not having Thanksgiving was hard for me to swallow. Well, thanks to our bff JoJo...Thanksgiving is back on! She gave us a free turkey and how can you not have a Thanksgiving feast when you have a huge turkey sitting in your freezer! We are still kinda of bending the rules a little bit and having our Thanksgiving on Saturday since Malachi has to work tomorrow. But Thanksgiving on Saturday is better than no Thanksgiving at all! I'm so excited! This is the first Thanksgiving meal I am making all by myself. Last year Malachi and I had Thanksgiving at my parents house, so this time it is all on me and I'm so excited! I'm going to make a huge feast (too much food for two people so we are going to try and find someone to come over and help us eat all that food...but if not Malachi and I will just get fat off of all of it!).
Here is our meal plan for Saturday:
Roasted Turkey with Maple Cranberry Glaze
Sausage, Dried Cranberry, and Apple Stuffing
Green Beans
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
and my favorite Apple Pie!
Hopefully it will all turn out to be delicious! I'll post pictures and let you know how our feast turns out on Saturday!
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Here is our meal plan for Saturday:
Roasted Turkey with Maple Cranberry Glaze
Sausage, Dried Cranberry, and Apple Stuffing
Green Beans
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
and my favorite Apple Pie!
Hopefully it will all turn out to be delicious! I'll post pictures and let you know how our feast turns out on Saturday!
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I'm a follower
I have now officially joined the blogging crowd. The whole time I was thinking about making a blog, I thought about all the things I could write about and I had so much to say. And now that I'm sitting here in front of the computer I have nothing. But today was also an uneventful day. I woke up and spent the whole morning with my wonderful husband and son, went running, cooked lunch (which by the way was really good!), sent my husband to work, played with my son, watched a whole bunch of Law and Orders, and am now starting my blog. Setting this bugger up was super hard. I wanted to make it pretty so I spent a whole bunch of time on that. So I hope you appreciate how pretty my blog is! :-)
So tonight I don't have much to say...but I'm also super tired so my brain is dead. Hopefully tomorrow I will be refreshed and ready to really start this whole blogging phenomenon.
So tonight I don't have much to say...but I'm also super tired so my brain is dead. Hopefully tomorrow I will be refreshed and ready to really start this whole blogging phenomenon.
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